We have put for your use a web site aimed at building peace between nations and religions in these difficult times. That is actually our statement – the evidence of our life’s, work and prayer in the international and interreligious environment. We are the proof that all nations and religions can respect each other, work together, build friendships, begin
Join us
If you want to join us and pray together for peace and for each other in our growing community whatever your beliefs, for our families, children, work and relationships please sign up. Our goal is not only to pray, but also to show to the World that it can be positively different. Most of the people in the World desire peace, for their families, work and communities.
For everyone
If you are not religious just vote for PEACE without praying. You can sign up and we will pray for all your family members and friends for prosperity, incredible love and blessings of God for the whole your life. Every vote for peace is priceless.
How to pray
There is no rule for praying. You can talk to your God, you can recite prayers. If you want you can just think of God, if you have the opportunity you can pray all the time for others. You can also live in a good way and make your life the best prayer. It depends on you. You must feel comfortable with it and do what you can.
News, letters, testimonies
Easter Message 2020
Easter is a time of hope for people all over the world. It is a reminder that, no matter what hardships we may have been through, what crosses we may had to carry, what disappointments we may have had to face, all that can change because Jesus rose from the dead...
Indialucia for International Day of Peace
„Flamenco is the quintessence of the best. It was created as a result of the interpenetration of cultures of various ethnic groups, who lived in southern Spain for hundreds of years. It's like evolution with mixing the best genes from every donor. The more different...
Music of Faith and Peace plus the French Adventure
We did not plan it at all. We were going to devote ourselves entirely to professional work, making preserves for the winter and spending lazy evenings reading fine books. However, fate likes to play tricks and we all inexpertly found ourselves traveling to France with...
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Sign up and let us pray together for peace between
Sign up and let us pray together for each other